Hosted by the Center for Economic Democracy, Movement Finance Forum cultivates strategic coordination between social movement organizations, funders, investors and capital strategies practitioners to advance a just transition beyond capitalism through building community power in working class communities of color.

MFF is designed to support social movement groups and capital holders to collectively practice and advance the democratic governance and ownership of land, labor and capital, especially by communities most impacted by racial capitalism.
Just Transition (from Movement Generation and Climate Justice Alliance) is the grounding framework of MFF, illuminating the why/how of transforming our society from racial capitalism to regenerative/solidarity economy, which includes the redistribution of wealth, land and power.
We affirm the critical need for coordination between and amongst; social movement groups and capital holders, resist and build strategies, as well as divest, contest and invest tactics that enable capital holders to contribute in creative ways.
MFF anchors its praxis (learning + action) in specific movement-led campaigns with shared targets that challenge harmful forces of capital, and bridge divest, contest and invest efforts.
Principles of Unity
- While racial capitalism continues to extract wealth, land and labor from our communities and planet, our movements for collective liberation are offering powerful and inspiring visions and examples of the world we all need and deserve.
- We recognize the deep need to organize capital (across divest, contest and invest approaches) in service of and in coordination with social movements.
- We focus our energy on shifting land, labor and capital into movement and community governed and owned structures (rather than individual forms of governance / ownership).
- Power is at the center of our orientation, embodied through a commitment to building, shifting and engaging collective power to influence and govern resources.
- Develop and execute coordinated and collective strategies between movement groups and capital holders, anchored in specific movement-led campaigns, that advance the democratic ownership and governance of land, labor and capital.
- Accompany social movement groups in developing sharper capital strategies through training, resource development, and ongoing support. Ensuring that groups feel a sense of agency to engage across different capital levers and have the support in place to manage and govern capital, both public and private.
- Deepen the alignment and strategic action of capital holders (funders, investors, and donors) who are committed to shifting land, labor and capital to community and movement governed structures. Offer tangible organizing resources and materials to support capital holders in organizing within their institutions and as part of broader movement-led campaigns.